It all started with a home improvement project.

Shortly after purchasing our first home in a small Pennsylvania town, my husband and I needed to replace our drafty, historic windows.  We carefully removed the windows one by one, but when my husband wanted to throw them in the discard pile, I wasn't ready to part with them.

As we worked on the rest of the house, I stored the windows in the basement.  Each time I passed them, I searched my mind for inspiration.

Then, upon a visit to one of our favorite places, nearby Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, PA, the amazing annual Orchid Extravaganza display gave me the spark I had been searching for.  I got to work that weekend on my very first window, which remains my favorite to this day.

With the support of my family, including my favorite assistants (our 2-year old son Blake and newborn Chase), I am so pleased to be able to share my work with you.  Thank you for visiting my site!

My inspiration: my boys and the beautiful Pennsylvania landscape.